Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Lies Theft Malfeasance

An alternative point of view to the self serving version often presented by SD#23's Administration.

Rubadeau oversaw SD#23 lying & falsifying a support worker's ROE to stage a fraudulent layoff & committed EI fraud that cheated him out of a pension & large sums of monies. Rubadeau manipulates, misleads & is disingenuos. Denies that the worker has any proof.
The same worker blew the whistle on unsafe school conditions..then Rubadeau had the worker fired on trumped up false charges. Read how a poorly trained principal manipulated & lied to deny that the school was unsafe.

Recently Superintendent of School District #23 Dr. Ron Rubadeau announced that he intends to retire come June 2006. The question is..how did Rubadeau get the job in the first place & who the heck hired him? And to think that he's been in the system for 30 years!
Rubadeau will be leaving a legacy that made him unsuitable for the position.

Under Rubadeau, SD#23 inflated student bus ridership to obtain an extra $440,000 from the British Columbia Ministry of Education. SD#23 was let off the hook with a slap on the wrist. 
Rubadeau closed district schools while ignoring parent's ideas on how to avoid closure. Fight For Schools Afterwards enrollment in private schools increased dramatically while Rubadeau lamented about SD#23's decrease in enrollment. Now that he has done the damage he leaves to retire. Rubadeau's proposed school closure defeated

Read Rubadeau's newspaper columns and the scathing rebuttals from readers accusing Rubadeau of manipulating the facts.

Then there is Eric Buckley..a Trustee for 26 years. We need a limit on the number of terms a person can serve as Trustee. Buckley should have stepped aside years ago to let a fresh face fill the position. Read about Eric Buckley

How about a complete list of teachers and Principals with profiles so we know who and what is influencing our children..like the list of doctors in Canada for all to read. Now that's transparency.

There is a SD#23 school principal Maeve Buckley that shacked up with a guy & had a baby out of wedlock..now is that a good role model for young children..we as parents should know of that when choosing a school to enroll our children. Read about Principal Maeve Buckley
