Rubadeau's SD #23 Wastes Money
Below is an article posted on the internet by Kelowna's CHBC TV. It's an example of how Rubadeau permitted SD #23 to operate without proper checks & balances. Rubadeau wasted tax payer's money while he criticised the BC government for not giving SD #23 more money. It also illustrates the incompetence of SD #23 administrators.
At the end of the school term, workers found large amounts of perfectly good useable books & schools supplies thrown into the trash. Items that could have been used by SD #23 students or elsewhere in the community. A complete waste of thousands of dollars.
Something else in the article. Larry Paul says that for the first time SD #23 had established very specific standards for use of cleaners, yet when a Custodian working for SD #23 & blew the whistle on unsafe school conditions involving cleaners, Rubadeau used lies, fraud & malfeasance to fire him. Read about SD #23 fraud & lies at...
Big Bird Rubadeau a Hypocrite
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