Money Down The Drain
In the April 20/05 posting titled "Rubadeau's SD #23 Wastes Money" it was about all the good books that were found in the trash. Here is a beautifull 416 page bird book with illustrations in full colour. All the book required was a bit of glue on the cover spline. If SD #23 had no use for it Superintendent Rubadeau should have had a checks & balances type system in place for it to be returned to central stores & distributed to a charity or youth group to use or the hundreds seen thrown away then SD #23 could have had a used book sale to raise money. At the very least it should have been placed in a recycle bin not the trash. Along with the books were boxes upon boxes of crayons, pencils & supplies that could have been put to use in our community. Superintendent Rubadeau runs SD #23 in a slipshod manner..
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