Last Term for Trustee Buckley
Finally after nearly 30 years School District #23 Trustee Eric Buckley has decided not to run for re-election to the Board of Trustees. It was back in 1999 and again in Feb 05 when it was strongly suggested that Buckley retire to make room for fresh faces on the Board.
"Then there is Eric Buckley..a Trustee for 26 years. We need a limit on the number of terms a person can serve as Trustee. Buckley should have stepped aside years ago to let a fresh face fill the position."
Trustees should be limited to a maximum of 2 terms.
For several terms Buckley has been a disruptive Trustee at Board meetings, even being taken to court for a possible conflict of interest matter on the land purchase for a new secondary school. Eventually the other Trustees voted to replace him as Board Chairperson.
In one meeting he actually walked out when he did not get his way. A great example to students! Buckley has most likely caused damage to our school district by his bad egotistical attitude and selfishness. Read about Eric Buckley
When Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, he mishandled the wrongful dismissal of Custodian Ken Fisher and refused to answer legitimate questions. He acted like a coward..a very poor example for students.
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