Bad Decisions Students Suffer
Moyra Baxter School District #23 Board Of Trustee
was recently quoted.."You live with what you've got and make it the best, but with Mount Boucherie it isn't really working right now."
Mount Boucherie Secondary School
is one of the most crowded schools.
Escalating construction costs have held up expansion construction.
The price of an addition has doubled from $4.5 million to $9 million.
It's original capacity was a maximum of 925 students.
Superintendent Rubadeau closed Westbank Elementary and moved the students to George Pringle who's 679 students were packed into the already crowed Mount Boucherie school.
Mount Boucherie now has 1450 students it was designed for 925.
13 portables are needed for 679 students from George Pringle school.
"It is extremely overcrowed..students feel that they are not safe, parents complain that the washrooms were not designed to accommodate 1450 students."
People on the Westside are pretty fed up with the poor planning of Superintendent Rubadeau in closing schools.
COMPARE School Districts
Rubadeau's SD #23 has 22,000 students & 41 schools.
Victoria's has less than 20,000 students & 58 schools.
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